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UAM Farms

Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes

Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes

Regular price $2.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $2.50 CAD
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UAM Farms Garden Seeds proudly presents Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes, a delightful addition to any garden or homegrown produce collection. Bursting with flavour and sweetness, these petite cherry tomatoes offer a juicy, delectable taste sensation that will elevate salads, snacks, and culinary creations. With their vibrant red hue and plump, bite-sized fruits, Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes are a joy to grow and a favourite among gardeners of all skill levels. Experience the satisfaction of harvesting these sun-ripened treasures straight from your backyard garden or patio container. Bring home the essence of summer with Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes from UAM Farms Garden Seeds.

Planting and Care Guide:
1. Location: Choose a sunny spot in your garden or on your patio with well-drained soil. Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes thrive in full sunlight, receiving at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

2. Planting: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date in your area. Plant seeds ¼ inch deep in seed starting trays or small pots filled with seed starting mix. Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Transplant seedlings outdoors once all danger of frost has passed and soil temperatures have warmed up.

3. Spacing: When transplanting seedlings, space them 18-24 inches apart in rows spaced 24-36 inches apart. If growing in containers, use a pot that is at least 12 inches in diameter to allow ample root space.

4. Support: Provide support for your tomato plants by staking or using tomato cages to keep them upright as they grow. This helps prevent branches from breaking under the weight of the fruit.

5. Watering: Water consistently to keep the soil evenly moist, especially during dry periods. Avoid overhead watering to reduce the risk of diseases.

6. Fertilizing: Feed your tomato plants with a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks or as directed on the fertilizer package. This provides essential nutrients for healthy growth and abundant fruit production.

7. Pruning: Remove suckers (small shoots that grow in the leaf axils) to promote better air circulation and fruit development. Prune any yellowing or diseased leaves to maintain plant health.

8. Harvesting: Harvest ripe cherry tomatoes when they are fully colored and have a slight give when gently squeezed. Enjoy them fresh off the vine or in your favorite recipes.

With proper care and attention, Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes from UAM Farms Garden Seeds will reward you with a bountiful harvest of flavorful fruits throughout the growing season.
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